It has been a busy few months! I really wanted to post all of the fun things we have been doing in Activity Days. I apologize in advance for the long post!:)
In March, Alex made banana bread with the girls. She had the girls look at the recipe and tell her what ingredients they needed and what the next step was. The girls loved it! I loved how she had mini bread pans for each girl. She also sent the girls home with the recipe.
Our next activity in March was a Faith in God treasure hunt. I found the idea
here. I thought this was such a great idea and a great way for the girls to learn more about the Faith in God book. Even as a leader it was great for me to get to know the book better.
For each section in the book, I made a sign and put it in an IKEA frame. I made and printed labels that had the section in the book, and attached each one to a chocolate gold coin with a glue dot.
We did this activity at our church building. To set up I put the sign, the gold coins and something about that section on a table. For example, Pray Daily, I put a statue of a mom praying with her children. When the girls arrived we talked about the Faith in God book. Then I showed them a map (not pictured). We walked together around the church building finding the different sections in the book, all the while checking the map to see which one we needed to find next. When we found one the girls would each take a chocolate coin and place it in their plastic black pot. I bought the plastic pots at Zurchers party store. Here are a few of the sections in the Faith in God book:
Memorize the Articles of Faith
Attend Sacrament and Primary
Pray Daily
Pay Tithing
Honor Your Parents & Be Kind to Your Family
At the end of the treasure hunt the girls found a treat and a certificate. Alex made the treat bags. It was a perfect treat for the end of the hunt.
The girls each took a turn reading the section in the book and a short quote or scripture about it.
For the treat, Alex and I made a fruit rainbow. I also made a cool whip and strawberry yogurt dip for the fruit. It must have been a big hit because the girls ate almost all of the fruit and the dip was gone.
After our yummy snack the girls colored a Faith in God page. It is a great page for the girls to see what they need to pass off. In the oval they drew a picture of them. I encouraged the girls to keep it in their Activity Day binder. I also thought it would be cute to put this page in a Dollar Tree frame and the girls could put it in their rooms. You can download the page for your Activity Day girls by clicking the link below.:)
In April, General Conference was coming up so Alex did a Get to Know the First Presidency activity.
She had a bag for each member of the First Presidency. In the bag were things about each of them. The girls would take turns coming up and pulling something out of the bag. It was such a cute and fun activity!
For our last activity in April we talked about tithing and budgeting our money. We filled out a tithing slip and discussed why it is so important to pay our tithing. To help the girls remember to save and pay their tithing we made banks. I was thinking about this activity for a long time and let me tell you it wasn't that easy to find 3 banks for 7 girls without spending a ton of money. I eventually found these containers at Dollar Tree. They were sold in packages of 3! It was meant to be. I printed Tithing, Spending and Savings on my Silhouette machine. The girls put the vinyl words on each container and then they decorated with washi-tape and ribbon. They had a lot of fun and I loved how they turned out!

To finish off the activity we had the girls come to the Activity Day store. The girls have been earning Activity Day money for a while now and they were ready to spend their money. Alex and I bought different things for the girls to buy at the Activity Day store. Then we put price tags on the items and placed them in the shop.
Of course they needed a shopping basket to shop. I used Easter baskets and I attached labels with the store name. I also put the same label on a decorative paper bag. My mom and I found the cutest bags at Zurchers party store for only .99! After the girls purchased their items we put their things in the bag.
I wish I had taken a picture of the store fully stocked, but I forgot.:( I am just glad I got this picture.
I am so grateful for my calling. I love being with the girls and we always have so much! I can't wait to show you the pictures of our Daddy/ Daughter activity in February and the Mother/ Daughter activity.